Brampton Slimline 12.10m x 3.5m

Brampton Slimline 12.10m x 3.5m

Brampton Slimline 12.10m x 3.5m

Embrace the harmonious blend of modern and timeless aesthetics with the remarkable Brampton Slimline pool. Its strong geometric features effortlessly complement both contemporary and traditional landscapes, adding a touch of bold sophistication to any setting.

Versatility is at the core of the Brampton Slimline’s design, with dual entry and exit points that offer flexibility in positioning within various surroundings. Whether placed in the heart of your backyard or nestled against existing structures, this pool adapts seamlessly, maximizing space and convenience.

The Brampton Slimline sets itself apart with its ingenious bench seating that spans the entire length of the pool. This thoughtful feature ensures comfort and ease, particularly in close proximity to houses or adjacent structures. By maximizing available space, this sleek design creates an unobstructed swim area, enhancing the sense of spaciousness and making it an ideal choice for families.

Indulge in the perfect pool for your family, where style meets functionality and form meets function—the Brampton Slimline awaits you.

To offer you more insights, let’s explore the exceptional features that define the Brampton Slimline:

  1. Child Safety Ledge – Extending across the pool’s length, this feature guarantees a secure area for your children to swim to whenever needed.
  2. Full-Length Bench Seat – Unwind and luxuriate on the expansive seating area, showcasing the Brampton’s fusion of comfort and opulence.
  3. Secure Non-Slip Entry/Exit Point – Enter and exit the pool confidently with a safe and slip-free access point, eliminating the need for external assistance.
  4. Dual Entry and Exit Points – Elevate your convenience through multiple access avenues.
  5. Spacious, Unobstructed Swimming Area – The Brampton accommodates your entire family and a plethora of guests in a capacious swimming zone, free from obstructions.
  6. Take pride in being a owner of one of the freshest pool offerings available in the market!


Measurements in metres and litres, measurements are estimates only.

Name Length Width Deep Shallow Litres
Brampton Slimline 12.10 3.50 2.01 0.91

Swimming Pool Colours